Wednesday, August 1, 2007

divisoria hauls

went to divisoria this weekend. got me a good haul of bootlegs.
first stop. the famous devastator. the last one i got was a wst so i had to take this biggie-sized, don't know the real size since i don't have the original, so could be 1:1.

next combiner, i don't really know who, but i liked the medical theme cars, so i got it.

next stop, was somewhat a deluxe sized or probably scout sized landbullet/crumplezone...
check him out...

with his pal ransack..

how he fares to his real counterpart, big bro crumplezone..

the only problem, if you haven't noticed yet, is that he's got 2 right canons, so the left one is inverted. can't complain for bootleg price. ;D they aren't your ordinary flimsy types. they are actually good somewhat.. err.. you have to hold them to believe.. lol

and my last piece, saving the best. yes. feast your eyes on Cybertron Starscream, yes, w/ the voyager detail, from the likes and quality of bootleg crumpy. good thing he doesn't have 2 canons that can go wrong. :D

i'll post pictures later comparing him to galaxy force starscream.. tadaaaa....

looking pretty good and feels even sturdier. Here are the robot and alternate modes of galaxy force starscream, the bootleg and original version.

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